Anointed Pentecostal Church




Biography of Bishop Adolphus V. Clinton

Bishop Adolphus V. Clinton is a living testimony of the mighty hands of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ instructing him to go out into the world and spread the word of God to all people. Matthew 28:19

Bishop Adolphus V. Clinton was called to the ministry 1993, in the month of January. He is a son of a Baptist Pastor of the First Baptist Church, Edina City Grand Bassa County, Liberia. From his youth, he has been very close to the Lord. He became saved at the age of 13, in the City of Edina and follow his father everywhere he went to spread the word of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. After completing high school at the Booker T. Washington Institute Kakata, Liberia, he traveled to the United States of America for further education in 1970. He enrolled at Jersey Preparatory School, studied college prep courses, earned a diploma and went to Jersey City State University where he earned his BA degree in Communication and Media Arts. He continued his studies at the Progressive Universal Life Church Bible College, in California, completing the areas of Religious and Biblical Counseling on April 10, 1996. With special concentration in counseling, he received his M.A. credential. He continued his education at the Light University at Forest, VA. and became a member of The  American Association Of Christian Counselors (AACC). After completion, he was awarded the credential title BOARD CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL CHRISTIAN COUNSELOR (BCPCC ) and license by the International Board of Christian Professional Counselors. He was awarded a Global Credential, BCPCC on January 17, 2008.

In 1994, he was trained, examined and ordained by the counsel of Bishops of New Jersey as an Elder, to go out and preach, teach, serve communion, and all religious rites, and lead lost souls to Jesus Christ. In February 1993, he founded the Anointed Prayer Group. In 1994, He founded The Anointed Pentecostal Church USA. In 2005, The Anointed Pentecostal Church and Anointed Orphanage Mission Liberia was formed and founded.  In 2006, The Anointed Pentecostal Christian Academy School in Liberia, West Africa opened its doors to 250 students from grades kindergarten K -1 to 8th Grade.

He established a Christian educational program in Evangelism which expanded an outreach into the City of Orange and surrounding Communities. Twice a year, he conducts an Evangelist training conference organized to keep the Evangelist equipped and informed of the word of God, as it is said “Study to shew thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

He previously worked at Middlesex County College, since August 21, 1984, and have worked in the Media Instructional Design Department, as the evening Media Coordinator. During his time of employment at Middlesex County College, he formed a student Christian Club, called Partners in Prayer, where Christian students would gather together every Thursday for Bible studies, mediation and prayer.

He continued his studies at Christian Bible College and Seminary, where he received his second Masters of Theology in Christian Counseling.  On October 12, 2020, he was consecrated and installed as Bishop by The Christ Community Conference for Churches and Clergy. He was also inducted into the Apostolic College of Bishops International.  Presently, he is in seminary working on his Doctorate degree.