Anointed Pentecostal Church


APC/APG Couples Counseling
Couples Counseling Ministry conveys married couples closer to God and to each other through learning and embracing the Godly principles of marriage. Counseling provides married couples with the opportunity to fellowship and learn what God ordained for marriage. Counseling involves studying the Word of God, engaging in thoughtful discussion on topics to strengthen marriages, relationship and socialization skills.

Mission Statement:
Teaching Couples the ethical and biblical standards of marriage, and the kind of love they must have for each other. (1 Corinthians 13: 4 – 8) Love is patient, is kind, is not jealous does not brag, is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly, does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoice with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. “Love never fails”. That is what Jesus has instructed us to love our neighbors as our selves.

Deacon’s Ministry

Name of Ministry Leader: Deacon Samuel Dennis

To assist the Pastor with the spiritual work of the church and serve as disciples bringing others to Christ. They are spiritual leaders who serve the needs of the church body and various ministries to support the Church mission and vision. The deacons’ visits and administers the sacrament to the sick and shut-in.

The Deacon’s Ministry meets the 1st of each month.


Deaconess Ministry

The Deaconess Ministry cultivates peace, love and Christian unity among the membership with demeanor. Deaconesses assist the leadership by being accustomed to the needs of the body of Christ. Their primary role is to enhance the spiritual matters of the church. Deaconesses are also helpers of the church and disciples to bring others to the body of Christ. 

The Deaconess Ministry meets on the 1ST and 3rd Saturday of each month.


Education and Scholarship Ministry

To encourage students’ academic achievement, participation in extracurricular activities and contributing to community service. The Education and Scholarship Ministry cultivates student, recognition of students from kindergarten through 12th grades. A college scholarship is available to active APC/APG INC. members who are seniors graduating from high school and have kept a sustainable G.P.A.

Student Recognition:

Semi-annually students are recognized for school achievement, extracurricular activities and community service.

Scholarship Recognition:
A scholarship is given to students who are entering college and has kept a sustainable G.P.A. Many APC/APG students receive awards for their accomplishments and are encouraged to further their education.

Ministry Requests:
The Education and Scholarship Ministry requests members’ financial contributions in support of the student recognition and scholarship programs.

Community Outreach Ministry


Our community outreach ministry aids to neighbors of our community. Through monthly soup kitchens, collecting clothing and hygiene products, aiding in emergency need, our outreach ministry reaches those in and out of our community that desire help.  We hold our soup kitchen on the last Saturday of every month, where we serve hot meals to our community. 



The Anointed Pentecostal Christian Academy School and Bright Star Orphanage Inc was organized to offer support to the orphaned children of Liberia through education and care. With financial and spiritual support, Anointed Pentecostal Mission was organized to help our children of Liberia. 

To empower and prepare children and young adults through early Christian spiritual education to honor and praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To serve God’s purpose through ministry in the Republic of Liberia, West Africa. Every year our ministry collects and purchases educational supplies, personal hygiene supplies, medication supplies, non-perishable food and clothing to ship to the Anointed Pentecostal Christian Academy School and Bright Star Orphanage Inc.

Name of Ministry Leader:  Pastor Edward Brosius

Our mission is to cultivate and enhance the Christian experience of Youth through spiritual growth, character building, discipleship and leadership development.

Young Adult Ministry provides a forum for planning and executing youth functions that support the church’s mission. As part of the ministry, young adults develop leadership skills, teamwork, program planning and Christian fellowship. In addition, young adults are able to guide each other in order to prepare for and model leadership skills. The ministry plans many programs such as Youth Night Out, Sisterhood Empowerment Programs, Youth Fast and Prayer, Back to School BBQs’, Brotherhood Empowerment Programs, and Fundraisers.

The Youth Ministry meets second and fourth Sunday after service at 3: 30 PM each month.

Young Adult




Name of Ministry Leader: Minister Samantha M. Clinton Brosius

To teach and educate children through early Christian spiritual education. The Children of APC/APG learn to praise and worship through scripture, songs, and other Christ-centered activities. The children prepare for special worship services and events such as Easter, Mother’s and Father’s Days, Children’s Day and Christmas. The children also attend fun special trips during the summer months.